Our Services

We treat all musculoskeletal conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Back and Neck pain with/without nerve impingement  
  • Common arthritic conditions affecting hip and knee joints
  • Foot and Ankle conditions such as flat feet and plantar fasciitis.
  • Painful Shoulder conditions including frozen shoulder and rotator cuff  injuries
  • Acute and chronic soft tissue injuries- muscular, ligamentous, tendon injuries, and bursitis.
  • Post operation rehabilitation

Following a comprehensive physical examination, we are able to identify your problem and treat your condition. We aim to reduce pain, restore your functions and help you get back to your best as soon as possible, using a variety of treatments, including targeted, specific manual mobilization techniques, appropriate electrotherapy modalities and tailored exercise programs.

We work closely with and refer to other health professionals as required in order to manage any clinical concerns. 

Our physiotherapy services include: 

Manual Therapy

Specific manual mobilization techniques on joints and muscles help to restore normal joint mobility and reduce pain.


Interferential Therapy – the use of electrical stimulation for the treatment of painful conditions.

Ultrasound Therapy        

Therapeutic ultrasound improves circulation and promote healing of soft tissues.

Exercise Program         

Specific tailored exercise programs to strengthen muscles, improve range of movement and restore functions.

Postural and Gait Re-education         

Correct posture and knowledge of ergonomics reduce stress on muscles and joints and prevent recurrence of postural pain.  

Balance training and gait re-education are especially important after surgery of hip, knee and ankle.

Fitting of heat moldable orthotics and hand splints         

Correctly fitted orthotics and splints improve alignment, provide support to muscles, joints and help to reduce pain.

Hydrotherapy (Temporary suspended due to Covid-19)  

Make use of the properties of water including buoyancy to assist in exercise rehabilitation.